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Available at Participating Automobile Dealers and Service Centers Nationwide.

What’s the Most Dangerous Thing You Can Do Behind the Wheel of Your Car?


Touch It.

What’s the Most Dangerous Thing You Can Do Behind the Wheel of Your Car?

Touch It.

What’s the Most Dangerous Thing You Can Do Behind the Wheel of Your Car?

Touch It.

Complete Vehicle Disinfection and Long Term Antimicrobial Protection

Complete Vehicle Disinfection and Long Term Antimicrobial Protection

While Alarming, it’s True: The steering wheel of the average vehicle in America harbors NINE TIMES MORE harmful bacteria than the average public toilet seat!

Research reveals that the average public toilet seat hosts 80 germs per square inch, while the average steering wheel is home to over 700! That’s pretty frightening news considering that over 75% of infectious diseases are spread by hands touching every- day surfaces.

Scarier yet, the steering wheel is far from the most germ ridden vehicle surface. Gear shift handles and trunks come in between 1500 – 2000 germs per square inch each.

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